Laboratory of biophysics of active media

Medvinsky, A.B.

Alexander B. Medvinsky

director of the laboratory,
Dr. Sci., Ph. D., biophysics.

Member of the international societies:


Medvinsky, A.B.



Curriculum vitae

July, 2000


Alexander B. Medvinsky

Director of the lab of biophysics of active media

Institute for Theoretical & Experimental Biophysics (ITEB)

Russian Academy of Sciences

Pushchino, Moscow Region, 142290 RUSSIA





1999 Member of the Scientific Council for Biophysics at the Russian Academy of Sciences

Member of the Scientific Council of ITEB

Director of the Lab, ITEB

1996 Member of the Scientific Council of ITEB

Head of the Lab, ITEB

1994 Head of the Lab, ITEB

Leading Research Scientist, ITEB

1991 Senior Research Scientist, ITEB
1990 Research Scientist, ITEB
1984 Junior Research Scientist, Institute of Biophysics
1976 Engineer, Institute of Biophysics
1975 Senior Lab Assistant, Institute of Biophysics



1975 - 1979 The theoretical study of cell-to-cell communications in excitable tissues.
Since 1980 The experimental study of the electrophysiological basis of heart arrhythmias using multielectrode mapping.
Since 1988 The experimental and theoretical study of pattern formation processes in bacterial and amoebal populations.
Since 1996 The theoretical study of the pattern formation mechanisms in aquatic communities.



Grants of Russia for outstanding scientists (1994, 1997).



Over 100 publications including

  1. Pertsov, A.M. & Medvinsky, A.B.
    Intercellular electrical communications without high-permeable cell-to-cell junctions.
    Biophysics, v.24, #4, 1976.
  2. Medvinsky, A.B., Panfilov, A.V., & Pertsov, A.M.
    Properties of rotating waves in three dimensions. Scroll rings in myocard. In Self-Organization. Autowaves and Structures Far from Equilibrium.
    Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo, 1984, pp.195-199.
  3. Krinsky, V.I., Medvinsky, A.B., and Panfilov, A.V.
    Evolution of autowave vortices. Waves in the Heart.
    Znanie, Moscow, 1986.
  4. Ivanitsky, G.R., Medvinsky, A.B., and Tsyganov, M.A.
    From disorder to order as applied to the movement of microorganisms.
    Soviet Physics Uspekhi, v.34, #4, 289-316, 1991.
  5. Medvinsky, A.B., Shakhbazian, V.Yu., Tsyganov, M.A., & Ivanitsky, G.R.
    Formation of demarcation zones when bacterial population waves are drawn together.
    FEMS Microbiology Letters, v.84, #3, 279-284, 1991.
  6. Reshetilov, A.N., Medvinsky, A.B., Eliseeva, T.P., Shakhbazian V.Yu., Tsyganov, M.A., Boronin, A.M., & Ivanitsky, G.R.
    pH track of expanding bacterial populations.
    FEMS Microbiology Letters, v.94, #1, 59-62, 1992.
  7. Medvinsky, A.B., Tsyganov, M.A., Shakhbazian, V.Yu., Kresteva, I.B., & Ivanitsky, G.R.
    Formation of stationary demarcation zones between population autowaves propagating towards each other.
    Physica D, v.64, #1-3, 267-280, 1993.
  8. Medvinsky, A.B., Tsyganov, M.A., Kutyshenko, V.P., Shakhbazian, V.Yu., Kresteva, I.B., & Ivanitsky, G.R.
    Instability of waves formed by motile bacteria.
    FEMS Microbiology Letters, v.112, #3, 287-290, 1993.
  9. Ivanitsky, G.R., Medvinsky, A.B., & Tsyganov, M.A.
    From the dynamics of population autowaves generated by living cells to neuroinformatics.
    Physics - Uspekhi, v.37, #10, 961-989, 1994.
  10. Medvinsky, A.B., Tsyganov, M.A., Karpov, V.A., Shakhbazian, V.Yu., Kresteva, I.B., & Ivanitsky, G.R.
    Bacterial population autowave patterns: spontaneous symmetry bursting.
    Physica D, v.79, #2-4, 299-305, 1994.
  11. Medvinsky, A.B., Lysochenko, I.V., Tikhonov, D.A., Tsyganov, M.A., Kravchenko, V.V., & Ivanitsky, G.R.
    Aperiodic patterns in the cell - nutrient substrate system. In Self-Organization of Complex Structures: From Individual to Collective Dynamics.
    Gordon & Breach, London, 1996, pp.269-280.
  12. Sarancha, D.Yu., Medvinsky, A.B., Kukushkin, N.I., Sidorov, V.Yu., Romashko, D.N., Burashnikov, A.Yu., Moskalenko, A.V., & Starmer, C.F.
    The system for computer visualization of excitation propagation waves in myocard.
    Biophysics, v.42, #2, 502-507, 1997.
  13. Steffen, E., Malchow, H., & Medvinsky, A.B.
    Effects of seasonal perturbations on a model of plankton community.
    Environmental Modeling and Assessment, v.2, #1, 43-48, 1997.
  14. Medvinsky, A.B., Kravchenko, V.V., Emelyanenko, V.I., Tsyganov, M.A., Aslanidi, K.B., & Ivanitsky, G.R.
    The folic acid distribution inside Dictyostelium discoideum communities.
    Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences, v.358, #4, 543-547, 1998.
  15. Ivanitsky, G.R., Medvinsky, A.B., Deev, A.A., & Tsyganov, M.A.
    From Maxwell’s demon to the self-organization of mass transfer processes in living systems.
    Physics - Uspekhi, v.41, #11, 1221-1233, 1998.
  16. Kukushkin, N.I., Sidorov, V.Yu., Medvinsky, A.B., Romashko, D.N., Burashnikov, A.Yu., Baum, O.V., Sarancha, D.Yu., & Starmer, C.F.
    Slow excitation waves and a mechanism of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia.
    Biophysics, v.43, #6, 1043-1059, 1998.
  17. Malchow, H., Radtke, B., Kallache, M., Medvinsky, A.B., Tikhonov, D.A. & Petrovskii, S.V.
    Spatio-temporal pattern formation in coupled models of plankton dynamics and fish school motion.
    Nonlinear Analysis B (in press).
  18. Medvinsky, A.B., Tikhonov, D.A., Enderlein, J., & Malchow, H.
    Fish and plankton interplay determines both plankton spatio-temporal pattern formation and fish school walks. A theoretical study. Nonlinear Dynamics
    Psychology, and Life Sciences, Vol.4 No 2, pp 135-152, 2000.
  19. Tikhonov, D.A., Enderlein, J., Malchow, H. & Medvinsky, A.B.
    Chaos and fractals in fish school motion.
    Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (in press)


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